Category Archives: Investment

Learning from Investment Errors: Crucial Insights for Smarter Decision-Making

There is an old saying, “Fools learn from their own mistakes, but the wise learn [...]

Invest now or wait for better deals later?

It is no secret that rising interest rates are causing massive pain for the US [...]

How to “winterize” your portfolio now with the possible recession on the horizon

Spring Season is upon us here in the Northern Hemisphere, but the economic weather is [...]

What is a better investment: private equity real estate syndication or REIT?

Folks from all walks of life want to improve their families’ financial standing through investing. [...]

Investment Quadrant: How to Make Better Real Estate Investment Decisions

What is the investment quadrant? To get started, let us take a look at the [...]

How to Take Advantage of Tax Saving Strategies as Real Estate Investors

Introduction: Tax Strategy vs. Tax Compliance I’m always on the lookout for ways to help [...]

Socially Responsible Investing: Hotel Conversion to Multi-Family Housing

It’s no secret that hotels have been struggling. Discount sites constantly loom. Cost-effective alternatives like [...]

You should know what you are investing into!

Top questions to ask before investing into any fund or syndication. Big Mike answers these top [...]

January 2020 Newsletter

In the January Issue Benefits of a Self-Directed IRA How to Start Investing with a [...]

December 2019 Newsletter

In the December Issue Shaping Investment Goals through the Four Quadrants By now, the investment [...]

November 2019 Newsletter

In the October Issue Part 2: Investing in Distressed Commercial Debt in NYC Last month, [...]

October 2019 Newsletter

Investing in Distressed Commercial Debt in NYC In the October Issue “An investment operation is [...]

August 2019 Newsletter

In the August Issue Are We Headed Toward a Recession? It’s important for us to [...]

July 2019 Newsletter

In the July Issue Tempo Opportunity Fund LLC Structure How Investors Receive Unrealized Gains Current [...]

June 2019 Newsletter

In the June Issue Pairing Net Worth and Income Goals Setting Short Term Goals How [...]

April 2019 Newsletter

In the April Issue Investment Grade Vs. Speculative Grade Projects Income Vs. Growth Funds Characteristics [...]

March 2019 Newsletter

In the March Issue Investing vs. Speculation How to Identify Investment Grade Projects How to [...]

January 2019 Newsletter

In the January Issue Economic Outlook for 2019 Economic Factors Influencing Today’s Market Climate Six [...]

November 2018 Newsletter

In the November Issue What is a Cap Rate? How Rising Interest Rates Affect the [...]

November 2015 Newsletter

We are about to enter the Holiday Season – Season of Joy and Happiness. But [...]