Protecting Your Portfolio Against Inflation

Inflation can quietly erode the value of your investments, diminishing your purchasing power over time. Understanding how inflation works and its historical impact on the economy is crucial for any [...]

Essential Financial Risk Management for Volatile Markets

Market volatility can feel like navigating a stormy sea, with sudden shifts that can impact your financial well-being. Understanding these fluctuations and knowing how to manage the associated risks is [...]

Investing in Real Estate Without the Hassle of Property Management

Investing in real estate has always been an attractive option for building wealth, but the thought of managing properties can be daunting. What if you could enjoy the benefits of [...]

Strategic Tax Planning for High Net Worth Individuals

High net worth individuals often face significant tax liabilities that can erode their investment returns. Understanding the impact of these taxes and implementing strategic tax planning can be crucial in [...]

Maximizing Wealth Protection in Volatile Markets

Understanding market volatility is crucial for any investor, especially during times of economic uncertainty. When markets fluctuate unpredictably, the value of your investments can swing dramatically, often leading to significant [...]

Leveraging Private Deals for Exponential Wealth Growth

Investing in conventional markets often feels like a slow climb, with returns that can be unpredictable and modest at best. Have you ever wondered if there's a more dynamic way [...]

Smart Diversification Strategies for Accredited Investors

Diversification is a cornerstone of smart investing, especially for accredited investors who often have more at stake. But how do you effectively spread your investments to mitigate risks and enhance [...]

The Importance of Due Diligence in Private Investing

Understanding due diligence is crucial for anyone involved in private investing. It's the process of thoroughly investigating and evaluating an investment opportunity before committing any capital. But what happens when [...]

Building a Recession-Proof Investment Portfolio

Understanding how economic cycles impact investments is crucial for building a resilient portfolio. Economic phases like recovery, expansion, hyper supply, and recession each present unique challenges and opportunities. Adapting your [...]

Learning from Investment Errors: Crucial Insights for Smarter Decision-Making

There is an old saying, “Fools learn from their own mistakes, but the wise learn from the mistakes of fools.” We all aspire to be wise and learn from the [...]

Navigating Real Estate Investments for Accredited Investors

Navigating the world of real estate investments can be particularly rewarding for accredited investors, but it also comes with its own set of complexities. What does it truly mean to [...]

Generate Equity-Like Returns Without Equity-Like Risk

It is Memorial Day weekend. It is important that we remember those who have fought so hard to defend our country. The stock market has been doing well despite “higher [...]

We Are All Forced To Do Business With The Biggest Drug Dealer Out There, The Fed.

Who is more powerful: the FED Chairman or the President of the USA? In the age of political fighting, split congress and limited compromise among our elected leaders, the Central [...]

Is a Recession Actually Your Friend?

The term “recession” often evokes fear as it signifies adverse news for the overall economy. Technically, a recession occurs when we witness at least two consecutive quarters of negative GDP [...]

Unlocking Your Financial Potential: Year-End Tax Planning and the Benefits

As we approach the end of the year, it’s the perfect time to not only reflect on your financial goals but also to make strategic decisions that can significantly impact [...]

Turning the Tide: The Inspiring Transformation of Spanish Cove into Spanish Lake

In the heart of a once-troubled community, a remarkable story of revitalization and renewal has unfolded. The journey of Spanish Cove, now known as Spanish Lake, stands as a testament [...]

Making Use of Tax Advantages: The Benefits of Investing Qualified Funds in Tempo Growth Fund II LLC and Executing a Roth Conversion

For investors looking to maximize tax advantages and grow their retirement savings, a strategic approach involving qualified funds, such as Traditional IRAs, combined with a Roth conversion, can be a [...]

Understanding the Four Stages of the Real Estate Cycle

The real estate market operates in cycles, experiencing periods of growth and decline. These cycles can vary in duration and intensity across different markets. This article aims to provide a [...]

Invest now or wait for better deals later?

It is no secret that rising interest rates are causing massive pain for the US Economy. The Federal Reserve is on a mission to curb inflation and is willing to [...]

How to “winterize” your portfolio now with the possible recession on the horizon

Spring Season is upon us here in the Northern Hemisphere, but the economic weather is not getting warmer. Instead, it is looking more volatile now with both raging high inflation [...]

What is a better investment: private equity real estate syndication or REIT?

Folks from all walks of life want to improve their families’ financial standing through investing. However, there are so many investment vehicles available to investors that it is not uncommon [...]

Freedom Founders Due Diligence trip to NYC

This last weekend Mike and I had a chance to meet with a few of our investors that are also Freedom Founders (FF) members. They came to NYC to see [...]

Investment Quadrant: How to Make Better Real Estate Investment Decisions

What is the investment quadrant? To get started, let us take a look at the quadrant first. There are two important things to remember to better understand the investment quadrant. [...]

How to Take Advantage of Tax Saving Strategies as Real Estate Investors

Introduction: Tax Strategy vs. Tax Compliance I’m always on the lookout for ways to help Real Estate Investors take advantage of tax saving strategies — but before I get into [...]

Mike Addresses the State of the Market: Early Spring 2021

The residential real estate market is booming all across the United States. Barring a few exceptions – closed markets like New York City, for example – it’s shocking to witness [...]

Socially Responsible Investing: Hotel Conversion to Multi-Family Housing

It’s no secret that hotels have been struggling. Discount sites constantly loom. Cost-effective alternatives like Airbnb continue to nip at the heels of the traditional hotel experience. With the advent [...]

You should know what you are investing into!

Top questions to ask before investing into any fund or syndication. Big Mike answers these top questions for Tempo Opportunity Fund LLC and Tempo Growth Fund LLC. Mike Zlotnik, fund manager [...]

Financial Outlook into 2021 based on Podcast Interview with Frances Newton Stacy

Recently on the Big Mike Fund podcast, Mike had the honor of speaking with Frances Newton Stacy, Director of Portfolio Strategy at Optimal Capital. Frances has appeared on many major [...]

Pandemic Proof Your Investments

Opportunity during a pandemic? The ongoing pandemic has certainly brought many challenges. The security and viability of your investments is one of them. Yet, COVID-19 has created a number of [...]