In this episode we have Salena Kulkarni give us the rundown on taking her investors tribe to the US to find deals. She shares how she identifies opportunities for her investors, their level of confidence, and choosing the sustainable and acceptable return over higher yield.
Salena has been a chartered accountant for 25 years, a certified property investment adviser and a wealth strategist. She has helped 100’s of investors build wealth and shave decades off their timeline to hit their financial freedom. After years of learning, testing and becoming an investor, she managed to uncover strategies that can be used to drive up investment cash-flow
Her focus over the last 12 years has been on building an expansive network of exclusive off-market opportunities and sharing them with discerning investors who want investments that outperform the market and offer measurable return on investment.
Join us now to get educated on how to find opportunities through the right operators!
00:23 – Guest Intro: Salena Kulkarni
01:22 – What’s new in Salena’s world?
03:10 – What did your investors think?
07:53 – Choosing investors
10:52 – Where investors sit right now with their confidence
14:56 – Looking for better yield
20:19 – Rainbows and unicorns
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Website: https://inkosiwealth.com/
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