My guest today is Whitney Sewell, the Director at Lifebridge Capital. He’s involved in real estate syndications. We discuss the basics of syndications and what kinds of deals Whitney is seeing in the course of his work.
Blaine has some helpful suggestions about how to get started in syndications.
00:00 — Introduction to the Big Mike Fund Podcast.
00:29 – Welcome Whitney Sewell to the podcast
00:41 — Who is Whitney
03:39 – What Whitney is doing in real estate syndications
05:10 – Whitney’s podcast
05:58 – How someone gets started in syndication
06:34 – How to find sponsors for syndication
12:18 – What kind of syndication deals Whitney is seeing today
17:32 – Examples of interesting deals coming through the syndication pipeline
21:28 – Best practices to find multi-family deals off-market
25:21 – Thoughts and suggestions from Whitney
28:45 – How to contact Whitney
30:00 — Outro to the Big Mike Fund Podcast.
The Real Estate Syndication Show