Ryan Parson is Chairman and Chief Investment Officer at Heritage Capital USA, Inc. and Mile Marker Club, as well as the Director of Investor Relations at Colonial Capital Management. He is also a renowned nationwide speaker on alternative investing and portfolio management.
Ryan grew up in a family rooted in real estate investment and in this episode he unwraps the advantages of alternative investments.
We learn about his non traditional way of thinking when investing as he leans into building your work around your life and not the other way around. Ryan identifies a huge gap in a specific investor demographic that is looking for non traditional, more holistic options. While traditional advisor may find this impossible, Ryan and his company aim at fulfilling this need.
Ryan talks about the importance of knowing what is a great deal for you alone and Ryan mentions why real estate is such a popular investment vehicle. Tune in as he tackles taxation, shedding light on how important it is for you to be organized and be in control of the process.
00:00 — Intro
00:26 –Welcome Ryan Parson
00:58 –Ryan’s portfolio and overview
03:37 –When Ryan moved from the corporate world to alternative investing
04:57 –Where Ryan started investing
06:40 — Ryan’s passive income realization
08:14 — How do you build a plan for your clients? What do you do?
08:26 — Two critical components
08:58 — Ryan’s discovery of the chasm
09:39 — What Ryan and his company strive to to
09:50 — Ryan talks about traditional advisors
10:26 — The reason why traditional advisors do what they do
10:50 — What Ryan aims to do
12:33 — Life versus work, Ryan’s take
14:30 — How do you choose the right projects for your investors?
15:09 — Ryan uncovers how your relationship with money dictates your choices
15:28 — How Ryan helps his clients unfold a strategy
17:54 — Determining how much cash flow is needed
19:30 — How much time can you commit to be being an investor?
22:53 — Ryan’s basic strategies to minimize taxation and allow growth
23:46 — Looking at the deal behind the deal
26:42 — Private deals versus speculative deals
27:18 — Taxation
35:03 — How to reach Ryan
35:26 — Special offer for listeners
36:44 — Final thoughts