This week’s guest is Freeland Ventures CEO and host of the Accelerated Investor Podcast, Josh Cantwell. Josh manages over $40M in private money, which is deployed into multifamily real estate and apartments. He has been involved in 1,000+ wholesale, rehab, rental, foreclosure, and apartment transactions, and currently holds a portfolio of over 3,000+ cash-flowing apartments. Josh is a true entrepreneur and prides himself on never having had a boss in his entire adult life.
Make sure to tune in to this noteworthy episode in finding the right deals and how to be on top of the capital-raising game.
01:22 – Background of the guest
05:26 – From residential to commercial real estate
13:22 – Steps to raising capital
21:55 – “Selling” your cause
29:13 – The “Secret Sauce” into winning investors
“Pancreatic Cancer has just a 6-8% survival rate, and so now I’m almost ten years, actually this November, we’ll be celebrating my 10-year anniversary as a survivor. I’m one of the very, very lucky few. And so, when I look at opportunities to join you on your podcast, opportunities to raise capital, opportunities to do deals, my focus is creating legacy for my wife, my kids, but also to have impact on other people because you never know, you never, never know, Mike, the moment, the day, your number will be called, and your life will be thrown into upheaval. One of my passions is helping people understand that they’ve got to do what they’re passionate for right now, don’t wait, get started.” – Josh Cantwell
If you found this episode substantial and want to dig deeper into real estate, or maybe you want to discover better investment opportunities, be sure to check out www.tempofunding.com.
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