Welcome to The Big Mike Fund Podcast. Today I’m talking with Ramon Gonzalez. Ramon is an investor and entrepreneur, based out of Miami, Florida. In this episode we talk about passive versus active investors, Ramon’s risk aversion and his investment philosophies, the importance of building a good team, market cycles, and future predictions.
Minute Markers:
00:22 – Welcome
00:55 – A bit about Ramon Gonzalez
01:47 – Ramon’s investments and business
06:10 – Market cycles and future predictions
10:00 – Miami condos
13:14 – Areas of opportunity
16:30 – Japan model
17:40 – Passive vs. Active (and hybrid)
22:00 – Risk premium
28:00 – Building a good team
33:30 – Final thoughts and reaching out to Ramon
34:25 – Thank you for listening to the Big Mike Fund Podcast
“I don’t know of any business that, if the business is growing, the owner is not engaged.” – Ramon Gonzalez
“At this state in the market cycle, no one is going to give you a steal. It’s just not going to happen in a primary market.” – Ramon Gonzalez
“Because of my risk aversion, I come to the party late and I leave early.” – Ramon Gonzalez, about the market and rates
“I think that–a lot of operators–they need to know their market. My market has always been a history of booms and busts but I understand my market. I understand what drives it.” – Ramon Gonzalez
“What you want to do is minimize risk; be nimble; if you can wholesale, get out quickly… Again, mitigate risk and get out.” – Ramon Gonzalez
“The deal has to make sense.” – Ramon Gonzalez and Mike Zlotnik
“Are you investing to learn or learning to invest?” – Mike Zlotnik
“Experience is what you get when you don’t get what you want.” – Mike Zlotnik
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