Welcome to The Big Mike Fund Podcast. Today it is my privilege and a pleasure to have Fuquan Bilal. Fuquan and I are good friends and are in a couple of masterminds together (The Collective Genius and The Freedom Founders). He has been doing fix and flips and rentals in New Jersey for the past 20 years. In this episode we’re talking about his experience in the real estate business, trends, what the post-COVID environments might look like, the stigma of Section 8, emotional equity, and so much more.
Minute Markers:
00:20 – Welcome to the Big Mike Fund Podcast
01:00 – Fuquan’s background
02:00 – Notes, Impact Investing, and mixed strategy
04:00 – Buy and Hold
05:30 – Fuquan’s returns for investors
07:00 – The stigma of Section 8 and government checks
08:20 – Managers, management, and self-management
13:15 – Cap rates
16:00 – Post-COVID environment, city life, and shifts in trends
19:00 – Emotional equity
21:40 – Investing in small notes, how much sweat is worth
26:10 – How to get a hold of Fuquan
26:34 – Thank you for listening to the Big Mike Fund Podcast
“It is impact investing. You’re able to help the owner stay in their house and essentially, you become the bank. That’s what I like about it. It’s another area where I was able to help people and make a profit.” – Fuquan Bilal
“I think that the big stigma behind Section 8 and low-income housing and government-backed programs was that the quality of the people wasn’t good as the ideal tenant, but there are some good people working and getting assistance, and there are some people who only pay a portion of the rent, and then the government pays a portion. They actually work.” – Fuquan Bilal
“When we set up systems and processes, it makes it easier to manage data than manage people.” – Fuquan Bilal
“I’m a seconds guy. We buy a lot of seconds. We buy first also. We invest in seconds that started off with second mortgages. I think it’s a really great investment if you know how to manage it.” – Fuquan Bilal
“As the market matured and as the prices increased, the efficiency had to increase. If you don’t get your automation efficiency, you die. You can’t survive in there because the returns are lower unless you can better use your time, it’s not a profitable business.” – Mike Zlotnik
Fuquan email: fbilal@nngcapitalfund.com
Website: NNG Capital Fund